
Lois Chazen


Lois Chazen had a vision, and promptly bought the domain when she intuitively heard the name, and this is how "World Peace For Animals" was created. Michael Jackson was her inspirational influence with "We are the World," but her heart cried out for the animals. She desired to create a music fundraising project that would help make a difference in the animals' lives worldwide! She devotedly planted the seeds-of-love, and an artist friend created the logo for World Peace For Animals. A few years later through Facebook connections, the seeds-of-love she planted flowered and so was the life-line for her project. Eighteen songs by twenty-seven artists were created-with the "soul" intention of creating funding, consciousness and compassion through heart-felt music for the animals and humans throughout the world.

Lois is the founder, author, and publisher at Turtle Dove Publications. She has a few books out in the world for kids of all ages (adults included) and all are based on true-to-life stories: rescued animals and life altering Divine messages. She writes through her heart and soul as an author and lyricist. She loves creating lyrics with the knowingness that other music artists will sing her loving words into beautiful healing songs; these songs will be deeply felt within the hearts of many Beings and Spirit-Souls. Lois has written lyrics for "Harambe," "On the Wings of Love," "Grandmother's Moonchild," "Winged Lovers," "As Within So Without," "Peace No More," and co-wrote, "Runs Like Thunder," for the 1st CD: Harambe & Friends!

The theme of my project is to revisit the biblical word DOMINON: a word truly misunderstood! We as human beings were appointed caretakers of the Earth, which include the animals who solely rely on the compassion of humankind, as requested by GOD/CREATOR of the Universe.
My life since childhood (as a toddler) has always been devoted to serving animals, in any way, shape, or form. I do my best to open up human hearts to feel what their eyes refuse to see! The animals desperately need us, to end their persecution, to allow them to live in peace the way they were created to live: humans need to stop playing the role of God/Creator and honor their Spirit. When humans neglect, harm, or destroy animals, the karmic payback is always, "An eye for an eye!" There's no escaping the LAW OF KARMA!

I say to the World, "It is my turn to create the vibration of Love and Light for the animals, so that humankind will feel and heal with the Spirit of God through music. We all receive the same breath of life and sparks of Light-the only difference is the journey and vessel in which to transport the Spirit-Soul! Praying for peace and living love is the essence of my life; making a difference in the lives of animals is the essence of my path! Animals come to Earth to teach us how to live, how to love, and how to "just be." AMEN!


As Within So Without
Grandmother's Moonchild
On the Wings of Love
Peace No More
Runs Like Thunder
Winged Lovers